Have you ever wanted to play an instrument in a flawless performance? Or maybe try your hand at picking a lock on a treasure chest? Or even practice magic? Just come to the library!
With the help of shows like Strangers Things, beloved roleplaying game, Dungeons and Dragons, has become mainstream - and we’re here for it! This game provides an exciting way to develop a plethora of skills including:
- Communication
- Problem solving
- Teamwork
- Storytelling/creativity
- Math
- Listening
Plus it’s fun! My favorite way to describe dnd to new players is that it’s simply a conversation between friends. Sure, you can add helpful maps and minis, and even dive deep into creating fan art of your party, but at its core, dnd is just an imaginative conversation!
It can be tricky to get started playing dnd. Parties can be hard to come by, and DMs (or dungeon masters) even HARDER to come by. But we can help! This summer, we have a Dungeon Delvers program for ages 12-18. We have pre-made characters and dice you can choose from OR, if you want to prepare a character beforehand, you can try making a 3rd level character to bring. This group meets on Mondays this summer: 6/5, 6/19, 7/10, and 7/17.
Here are some helpful resources for trying your hand at making a character:
- DNDBeyond
- The official Wizards of the Coast site
- Or simply the Player’s Handbook (which you can put on hold here)
Make sure to register to save your seat in the Dungeon’s Delvers party! Happy adventuring!