

Classic Children’s Books to Share with Your Little One

Every year people around the world celebrate early literacy on March 19th, International Read to Me Day. This holiday encourages adults to read to the children in their lives, and encourages children to talk about their own literacy.

National Reading Month and How To Celebrate at Home!

March is National Reading Month, a celebration dedicated to the joy of reading and encouraging everyone to explore books of all kinds. Throughout March, people of all ages are invited to dive into new genres, rediscover beloved classics, and share the magic of reading with others.

National Pokémon Day!

Every year on February 27th, Pokémon fans everywhere come together to celebrate National Pokémon Day! This day marks the anniversary of Pokémon Red & Green’s original Japan release back in 1996.

National Embroidery Month

February is National Embroidery Month. Embroidery is a craft that has been around for thousands of years, dating back to the time of ancient civilizations in China, Egypt, and India.

CGPL Announces Prop L on April 2025 Ballot

This April, voters in the Municipal Library District of the City of Cape Girardeau will have the opportunity to vote on Prop L, a measure to continue the existing library tax set to expire in 2027.

Discover a New Hobby at the Library

It’s 2025 and with it comes an avalanche of New Year’s resolutions, ‘New Year, New Me’ mantras, health and wellness goals, and of course - hobbies. January might be the start of a new calendar year, but it also happens to be National Hobby Month.

Solving Holiday Cooking Conundrums One Cookbook At A Time

We are in the middle of what is known as the Holiday Season, and that can only mean one thing: food. So many memories are formed around the dinner table, and nothing gets a large number of people to a dinner table like a holiday! So if you have an upcoming get-together planned, there’s a good chance that food is a concern. And of course, no two get togethers are the same, so I’m sure your needs food-wise are different than “generic holiday spread.” Not to worry! We’ve got cookbooks that cater to a wide variety of holiday situations and needs. Let's take a look at some Holiday Cooking Scenarios and see what cookbooks we have to help!

Thrills for Your Winter Chills

Hello fellow readers and book lovers! I can’t believe we are nearing the end of 2024 already! My favorite time of year, Halloween, has come and gone.

Happy Library and Information Services Month!

November is Library and Information Services Month…at least in the Philippines it is. But I think as the year comes to a close, it is important to look back on our libraries and remember why they are important to us and our communities. So let’s celebrate! 

Celebrate Family Literacy Month!

November is National Family Literacy Month and there's no better way to celebrate than by stopping by your local public library! There are plenty of ways you can begin to develop literacy skills with your baby, and it's a great way for families to bond, too. 

Having Fun With Nonfiction

I originally started writing this post because I thought November 6th was National Nonfiction Day. Upon trying to find more information, not only did I not find an actual date for it, but it's also something mostly acknowledged in the UK.

Not-So-Scary Halloween Reads

As October draws to a close, we near what most call the spookiest, scariest, most spine-chilling day of the year...Halloween! While many embrace the ghoulish festivities, here at CGPL, we recognize that not everyone loves the creepy crawlies.