What We Are Thankful For: Library Edition

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It’s always a good thing to be mindful and aware of all the positive things in our lives, but there is something about the holidays that makes me hyper-aware of what I should be and am grateful for. So, to kick off the season with some cheer, here are some things we are thankful for here at the Cape Girardeau Public Library!

Katie, Library Director: I'm thankful for a good library board of trustees and an awesome staff.

Alli, Youth Services Coordinator: I’m thankful for all the smiling faces that make our programs worth it.  Every proud smile that accompanies a finished art project, or every amazed "woah!" that escapes during our STEM programs. All the loyal storytime crowds that excitedly say "I can't wait to see what we're reading next week" as they leave. All the genuine greetings from older tweens and teens - even better when they give US book recommendations.  I'm truly thankful for the community of patrons that make me excited to come to work!

Erica, Youth Services Associate: I'm thankful for our amazing youth patrons, who always bring a smile to our faces. Whether they tell us a funny joke, ask for a book recommendation, or bring us little treats, it's always a joy to interact with them. Watching them make friends is such a sweet sight to behold! I will always have fabulous memories of our younger kiddos.

Abby, Youth Services Associate: I'm thankful for our awesome teen room that gives our teens a dedicated safe space to work on homework, play games, color, read, or just hang out!

Whitney, Marketing Coordinator: I'm thankful for Libby and the steady stream of audiobooks that keep me afloat.

Kayla, Adult Services Coordinator: I am thankful for the “Books on Tap” book club. I am thankful for the members who continue to show up and engage in thoughtful and interesting conversations about books and the community around us. I am thankful for the chance it gives me to read good books, the support I have from its members, and the partnership we have with Ebb & Flow. It gives me such joy to be a part of it, and it is something I look forward to each month.

Barrett, Technology Coordinator: I’m thankful for all the Blu-rays and DVDs we have.

Chris, Adult Services Associate: I'm thankful for my coworkers. We all get along great and I genuinely enjoy working with each of them.

Sophie, Adult Services Assistant: I am thankful for the coworkers I have. They all work very hard to make sure every patron's experience is a good one, yet they still have time to make me laugh! Interacting with each one of my coworkers is a joy and I am glad I get to work in this positive of an environment.

Chely, Adult Services Assistant: I'm thankful for my coworkers, who are also my friends, that make me laugh and get through the day.

James, User Services Assistant Supervisor: I am thankful that my coworkers are thankful for me. And in return, I am also thankful for them and the work that they do to help keep the library running as it should. 

Ryan, User Services Assistant: I am thankful for my coworkers and for the fact that Kayla (Adult Services Coordinator) buys books that I enjoy reading like superhero comics/graphic novels and sports biographies.


And of course, we are thankful for all of you. We are thankful for everyone who reads our blog posts, who attends our programs, who comes in and uses the facilities to study and socialize, who checks out our books and other materials, and for those who take the time to get to know us! Every single one of you makes a difference in our lives. 


an image of the cape girardeau public library at twilight

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