

Storytime Tips from Your Youth Librarians

Reading is key to children's brain development, and parents can encourage that best by reading to their children.  Your CGPL youth librarians are here to offer you our tips that turn a regular read-aloud into an awesome storytime.

Comics Aren't Kids' Stuff!

Batman. Spiderman. Stilt-Man. You might think of these names when you think about comic books. (Except probably Stilt-Man, who is real and was at one point fighting Daredevil in Marvel Comics. That’s his picture over there.).

Let's Get Crafty!

Time to break out the glitter, construction paper, and hot glue guns because March is National Craft Month!

Start Exploring Black History This Month

February can mean a lot of things to a lot of people, from their first birthday in four years to some time with their sweetheart, but one of the most important things we should all try to celebrate is Black History Month. The man in the picture there is Edward C.

Peculiar People Day

Everyone has someone they know that’s a little odd, a little silly. They might be a friend, or a family member, or even a neighbor that everyone thinks of fondly for their quirky behavior.

This New Year, Make Some Bookish Resolutions

This year, we challenge you to read intentionally. Not sure how to go about that? We've rounded up suggestions for reading resolutions that will help you make 2024 a year for the books. These tips can be applicable to you or any children in your life.

Find Your Perfect Hot Chocolate + Book Pairing!

Do you like hot chocolate? Do you also like reading books? Have you ever wondered which type of hot chocolate you might be? Take our quiz and find out not only which chocolatey drink you are but also what books you might like to try reading while you sip it.

If You Liked Harry Potter, Try These Selections

Harry Potter’s fantastical rags-to-riches hero’s journey has been capturing readers’ imaginations for over 25 years now. Whether it’s the found-family friendships that fans love, the magical school, or the massive worldbuilding, J.K.

Book a Break to Bake

Get ready..., set..., BAKE! October is full of fun things to do and celebrate. The first big one is Halloween: my favorite time of year! October also signifies - at least in my family - the start of the holiday season and, with it, baking!

Thanks For Your Memories

Since the beginning of time, humans have been writing and talking about themselves and their experiences. During ancient times people relied on scrolls, clay tablets, and oral traditions to pass on their thoughts and experiences.